Thursday, October 26, 2017

Addovolt Explorations: Union Departures

A fast, informative spin through Chicago's oldest existing cemetery, narrated by Remy Osborne.

The "Union Departures" episode of Addovolt Explorations is right HERE on YouTube.

More Addovolt Explorations are HERE.

The Schillinger mausoleum in Union Ridge Cemetery, complete with cherub detail, dated to 1913.  The "Addovolt Explorations:  Union departures" quick doc was shot in the middle of a thunderstorm (why chose any other time?) so ignore the "orbs".  They're raindrops (at least we assume they are....).

Civil War veterans' graves and their cannon.

After having performed in a number of different Addovolt Productions, Remy Osborne takes on narration duties.  Thanks, Remy!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

What's in a name?

"Addo" means "to add" (of course) in Latin. "Volt" refers to a unit of electromotive force in English.

"Addovolt" is just a word combo pulled out of the air that I smooshed together.  To me, it means "to add force" or "to add" voltage, electricity, life, etc., etc. you get the idea.

In truth, the name Addovolt Productions is really just a corny, obvious nod to Mary Shelly's Frankenstein (because I love the classic horror books/movies/shows and I always have, even when I was a little kid).  But it works and Addovolt's been the name for a long time now.

Do some projects feel like out-of-control monsters of my own creation?  Without a doubt!

Friday, October 6, 2017

So Here's The Deal....

I was rethinking my vow to put out a new Addovolt Exploration quick doc every single month.

But, instead, we'll do them regularly between more extensive projects (i.e. the lengthier documentaries, music video commissions, films, etc.).  Because I don't want to rush through them and be automatically popping them out all the time like some kind of deranged Pokémon monster.

But the Addovolt Explorations will be a usual thing, definitely. 

Sometimes there will be one once a month.  And then, at other times, it will be one every 2 months or 3 months depending on how the other projects are coming along. 

Because there are always other projects that are slurping up time, $, and production or pre-production (that can mean scripting, casting, settling permits, costume/prop construction, design stuff, etc., etc.).  Right now, for example, we're in the middle of shooting Pale Horseman's new music video which is a vast, bonkers, gothic fantasy-horror epic (we're into that sort of thing) and that needs full attention.......regardless, there will still be a fun, chilling Exploration coming up in a couple of weeks--an interesting piece of subject matter presented itself and sometimes I can't resist--so BONUS! for October 2017, that's nice.  But I can't do that all the fucking time.

Addovolt Explorations are just supplemental material bits between "fancy" projects.  That's all that they're meant to be....and so that I'm regularly engaged with editing material so that, when my editing software updates itself, it's not an alarming experience.  Just being honest!

So, instead, I'll modify that vow to say that I'll be doing updates on whatever's cookin' in the oven at least once a month.